Planning Fatigue? Discover Elopement Weddings.

Are you suffering from planning fatigue? Maybe it’s time to discover elopement weddings? Keep reading!

Whilst many brides and grooms opt for larger ceremonies surrounded by friends and family, there’s a growing trend for couples looking for something much smaller and intimate. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with the pressure of planning a large event and some couples succumb to wedding planning fatigue. This is completely understandable and sometimes motivates couples to seek alternatives that remove the stress.

It doesn’t take long before they discover Elopement Weddings. This becomes a very appealing option.

Elopement Weddings are about simplicity. No fuss. Couples who opt for one have a clear vision of how they want to express their love together and the intimate, low-key wedding is their preferred chose. 

Devon is not the only location of course. When you talk elopement weddings it’s easy to think Gretna Green. Especially if you’re of a certain age. The 1754 Marriage Act prevented couples under the age of 21 from getting married without their parents consent in England. Gretna Green, being on the Scottish boarder didn’t live by the same laws.

Times have changed of course and it’s not about running away now. It’s about making a decision that suits you as a couple.

Our Collective Team of photographers and videographers love elopement weddings and are ready to capture your intimate day. 

Make Devon your elopement wedding destination

Why make Devon your elopement destination? There’s miles of stunning coastline to explore and enjoy. The word breathtaking is not an understatement. Away from the coast you will find well established traditional Country Houses, quint villages and beautiful churches. They are able to provide almost any theme or style you have in mind.

Venues can handle large guest lists but the emergence of the micro weddings has opened up new revenue sources for these businesses. They now offer packages that take into consideration the unique requirements of a more intimate wedding.

We have to admit that Elopement Weddings in Devon are some of our favourite ceremonies to photograph. They are so personal. The love between couples is somehow magnified because of the intimacy. Small guest numbers create a more intimate, relaxed atmosphere. The focus moves towards the bride and groom rather than everything else.

Couples that may consider themselves camera shy seem to step out of their comfort zones a little more when there is less pressure to perform for others.

Reasons our couples chose an Elopement Wedding in Devon:

  • Designed the wedding for themselves, removing the pressure to conform to anyone else’s expectations.  
  • It was about the two of them.
  • The ceremony and reception reflected their personality and style.
  • Took away the stress of organising a big family event.
  • Made the day a truly magical experience and provided a sense of adventure.
  • Helped manage the budget.
  • Timings that worked for them.
  • Having a ready-made honeymoon location.

Here at Liberty Pearl Photo & Film Collective, we have been lucky enough to photograph many beautiful elopements in Devon and Cornwall over the past five years. Each and every one of them has been unique with couples able to really focus on their combined personalities and style without the pressure to conform. Recent weddings have included rock climbing, a mini-festival, dancing in the fields, watching the sunset over the beautiful Cornish coastline, paddling in the sea, and exploring ancient Cornish ruins. 

We’re biased but Devon and Cornish Elopement Weddings are always really special

We’re biased for good reason. All of our Collective Team are Devon residents so we live with the beautiful beaches, woodland and coastal venues on our doorstep. And yes we know the hidden gems! And the areas that work best for any time of year, and the locations that will make your heart sing.

Our elopement couples may be very different in personality and style but they all share one thing in common; they loved interacting with the great outdoors and immersing themselves in nature during their wedding shoot. Even couples who don’t usually consider themselves “Outdoorsy,” really get into the moment and love the finished results when they receive their wedding photos.

Don’t underestimated how amazing it is to utilise the natural environment in your photographs.

But as mentioned, we’re biased. 

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