Women in Photography Conference and Exhibition in the TV & Radio News Spotlight

This week has been exceptionally busy and equally as rewarding. On Thursday, Plymouth College of Art helped me host the latest Women in Photography Conference. And I’m delighted to say that the event and the resulting exhibition were featured on BBC Radio Devon in the morning and BBC South West’s Spotlight news programme in the evening.

The conference has very quickly become recognised as the platform to showcase female creative talent in Devon and Cornwall, where passionate like-minded women come together to support each other to celebrate each other’s successes, learn from each other’s challenges and to empower each other to focus on solutions.
I have been organising these events every three months since 2016 and as a result hundreds of women have been inspired and encouraged by industry respected speakers.
An added bonus to everything that we do is that the proceeds go to local charities which benefit women.

See some the amazing images from the Exhibition on the Evening Herald website. 

Women in Photography Exhibition Plymouth Herald
I’m delighted that a big focus of the BBC South West Spotlight News piece was about the exhibition itself as when I launched it last year, the response was literally overwhelming. We received no fewer than 400 entries from local female photographers. It has been such a wonderful way to be able to showcase the extraordinary talent that we have across the South West. Shortlisting the images which would be on display, and then be sold in our Etsy store was no mean feat. It took a panel of xxxx and xxxx to whittle down those 400 entries to just xxx.

Watch the video from the BBC Spotlight TV appearance here. 

I’m a firm believer in focusing on community above competition and collaborating as much as possible with other local companies and entrepreneurs wherever possible. There are too many people to thank for all their help in making the Women in Photography events, a success.
But I would like to give a special mention to Jane Prior from Plymouth College of Art and the Women in Photography Community for their input, guidance and encouragement to help make these events what they are.
I hope that you enjoy the interviews…

Listen to our BBC Radio Devon Interview on Soundcloud.

Here are some Photos By Margo R Goska  from the Women in Photography Conference.

We also had a feature in the recent issue of Devon’s West Magazine.

Our next event is on Thursday 24th May in Plymouth and you can buy tickets via our Event Brite page.

Read more about our conference series here.
Join our Women in Photography Facebook group here.

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