Top 5 Tips on Attending Photography Conferences

Third women in photography conference plymouth college of art international womens day inspire someone today_With the latest Women in Photography Conference just around the corner, I’m often asked how I manage to organise events that resonate so well with those who attend.

When I first launched Liberty Pearl Photography & Film Collective four years ago, I started out with zero budget, but a real desire to be able to share my marketing knowledge and photography skills with others; particularly women.

My starting point for organising any event is thinking about what I wanted to know when I first launched my business. Being able to put myself in the shoes of an attendee really helps me to look at things from a different perspective.

It means I’m able to provide more impactful and useful content that genuinely benefits those who attend.

If you’re thinking about signing up for a photography conference, here are my top five tips to ensure you make the most of your investment:

  • Make sure you have a notebook (preferably hard-back) and at least two pens with you – there will be lots of things you will want to write down
  • Attend with a positive frame of mind and be open to listen to other people’s point of view. Not everything will resonate with you but something may well prove to be both business and life-changing
  • Ensure you have lots of business cards with you – conferences are a great place to network both with fellow creatives and photographers
  • Make sure that you have done your homework beforehand. Think about what you would like to get out of the event and come armed with questions
  • If you’re sent any materials beforehand, make sure you have read them thoroughly before the day too

Although this doesn’t make it into my top five it’s still really important – drink plenty of water! It might sound strange to suggest this, but staying hydrated throughout the day will help improve your concentration levels.

wedding photography business workshop Deer Park Hotel Liberty Pearl Photography Grace Elizabeth

On the day of any event it’s also worth pre-planning your route beforehand and allowing extra time. Think of it like a photography assignment that you just can’t miss. It’s better to be early and prepared, than late and flustered.

Of course deciding which workshops and conferences you should attend can be difficult too. There are so many photography courses on offer, but I think the best way to assess if an event is right for you should include:

  • How qualified is the person taking the course – what have they achieved
  • What subjects will the event cover
  • How well does the content align with both your business objectives and values

Before booking, it’s worth having a look for further information on the organiser’s Eventbrite page.

What does it say to you? How easy do you find the booking process, what is the process both before and after the event? Do you feel as if you have been looked after and your experience has been worthwhile?

Using eventbrite for your photography conference

I really enjoy using Eventbrite to help make my conferences and workshops really stand out. I have to say the top reasons why I use them include:

  • It’s super easy to create an event page and update it when you need to
  • There are 50 million active ticket buyers on the site so your event is more likely to get noticed by your target audience. Plus there is also built in promotion including social sharing
  • I find it’s a great way for managing attendees – I can track sales in real time from any device (super handy for me when I’m out and about on photo shoots)
  • I love how easily I can contact anyone attending both before and afterwards with information / thank you notes
  • But above all else, it strikes the professional chord with me that I think is invaluable, especially when your brand is at the heart of everything that you do.

I hope that you have found this blog useful. Remember, the more you educate and invest in yourself through learning and training, the more you will be able to inject back into your business, helping you to attract your ideal clients.

Our next Women in Photography Conference is on 27th September at The Duke of Cornwall Hotel in Plymouth. If you would like to find out more about the event and buy tickets please visit the Eventbrite page here.

Here’s to your success!


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