Women in Photography Conference – International Women’s Day

Third women in photography conference plymouth college of art international womens day inspire someone today_
The Women in Photography conference started in August 2016 at the Plymouth School of Creative Arts. It was initially a one off event to bring together like minded female photographers and filmmakers, who are passionate about photography, to listen to talks and raise money for charity at the same time, a networking event with a purpose. I arranged 4 female photographers from Devon and Cornwall to talk about their fascinating journeys in photography and to showcase their beautiful work, and it was a huge success. Over 30 women came along, we raised over £200 for 2 women’s charities and after the last talk everyone asked me “when’s the next conference?” so the Women in Photography Conference series started from there!

I love being inspired, especially by everyday women, there are so many amazing role models in the celebrity world, but really it’s the people who are around us everyday that have the most impact in our lives. 
We are all photographers and work in the same industry which is extremely saturated, but I believe in community over competition, and by connecting female photographers together in this way, it inspires and empowers women to reach their full potential.
February saw the 3rd Women in Photography Conference hosted by Plymouth College of Art with over 50 attendees listening to some truly inspirational women.
Clare Kinchin – Claire Kinchin Photography
Louise – Taylor and Porter Photographs
Jane Prior –  Lecturer at Plymouth College of Art
Magdalena Hendey – Photo Studio 7
You can read further details of the speakers are on our conference website.

What people say about the conference:
“What wonderful speakers and an awesome event!!! Many thanks ladies xxx”
“Glad I was finally in Plymouth to make it along, enjoyed all four speakers – fascinating and differing stories, thanks all xx”
“Thank you so much for organising this event. It was so inspiring (I’m so ordering film tomorrow and getting my twin lens out!!) Cannot wait for the next one
“Lovely evening and amazing speakers! Thank you again Amber for your hard work organising another successful event xx”
“Wow wasn’t sure what to expect as first one I have been too, but I found it incredibly interesting. Really enjoyed listening to you all & have left feeling very inspired. Thank you for sharing your life stories, amazing tips and knowledge. I look forward to the next one!”
Thank you Amber for organising a wonderful evening. Louise, Phil and Emma. You were all amazing and your talks were so inspirational and so lovely to hear your history of how far you’ve all come. Very talented ladies and a room full of wonderfully supportive ladies too. Thank you all for listening to my first ever talk! Xx”

“Wow ladies what an amazing audience you were! Thank you Amber Leach for asking me to be a part of this evening!! X it was an incredible way to spend an evening! Looking forward to meeting more of you in the future! Jane Prior is was so lovely to see you again! Thank you for the hugs!

We raised over £250 for the fabulous educational charity Girl Rising.
If you would like to be inspired by some amazing photographers and their stunning work, then join our Facebook group and come along to the next conference!
We have a Women in Photography and Film private members Facebook community which is an amazing source of encouragement, inspiration, friendship and opportunity.
Next Conference
The conference run every 3 months and the next Women in Photography Conference is on Wednesday 10th May 2017 at Plymouth College of Art. Tickets cost £5, all money from tickets sales goes to charity. You can buy tickets via our Eventbrite page.
We are also planning something very special to celebrate the 1st birthday of the women in photography conference so follow our conference website to find out about it!

Extra info about the conference
The Women in Photography Conference is organised by Amber Leach, founder of Liberty Pearl Photography & Associates, an award winning wedding photography business based in Plymouth, Devon.
Amber started her wedding photography business in November 2013. She progressed from working in large structured organisations to being self employed and working from home. Whilst she enjoyed the independence of being self employed and her new found freedom from the chains of a 9-5 office job, she also missed having people around to run ideas past, share triumphs with, or receive encouragement from.
Amber has now established Women in Photography – Devon and Cornwall so she could meet other like minded creative photographers and filmmakers to share her passion with and to find people that understand her life as a self employed freelance photographer.
It is proven that friends ‘at work’ form a strong social support network for each other, both personally and professionally. Whether cheering for each other on big wins, consoling each other about mistakes, giving advice, or providing support for personal situations, comradeship at work can boost an employee’s spirit and provide needed assistance.
Amber is excited to meet and collaborate with amazing photographers for an afternoon of inspiration and fellowship with like minded creatives!
Photos by:

Margo R Photography  & Pip Murphy Photography

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