Tunnels Beach: Coastal Wedding Venue.


No matter how much effort you put into the planning. No matter how competent you are at organising events. There’s one thing that is 100% out of your control, and that is the good old British weather. When you make the decision to opt for a coastal wedding venue, with the hope of having the ceremony outdoors, you’re adding an element of risk that cannot be negotiated with. Optimism is helpful. Avoiding an Autumn wedding is probably sensible but no matter what you decide, having a Plan B is recommended. But that’s the funny thing about a Plan B, it can produce something truly amazing! We found this out while attending a fantastic wedding at Tunnels Beach.

Outdoor Ceremony: Tunnels Beach.

We’d been looking forward to this particular wedding ever since the enquiry came through. It was going to be our first time shooting at the coastal wedding venue Tunnels Beach which is located in Ilfracombe, North Devon. Our Liberty Pearl team have their favourite venues but none of us had had the pleasure of attending a wedding at Tunnels Beach. Then after meeting the bride we became swept up in her enthusiasm. She was so excited about having an outdoor ceremony looking out to sea and photos on the beach next to the stunning tidal pool.

And so were we!

But remember that Plan B thing? IT WAS THE WINDIEST DAY EVER!!! It was literally so windy we struggled walking around safely outside the venue. A decision was made and unfortunately the ceremony had to be moved inside. This could have been a disaster but the organisers at Tunnels Beach, along with a team of florist got to work! They styled the indoor room and quickly produced a truly stunning replacement for the happy couple.

It looked incredible and was a testament to the organisational skills of the event planners at the venue.

Bride and Groom Portraits.

The wind persisted for most of the day and the bride and groom portraits were delayed until later in the evening but it didn’t matter. As you can see from the images below we managed to get outside eventually and the bride and groom took the opportunity to embrace the sense of adventure. We were able to capture their massive smiles throughout the day as they adapted to the situation before eventually making our way to the beach and tidal pool that had been apart of the brides plan all along.

Check out these stunning images below and tell us, does it look like the wind ruined their amazing day?

If you are worried about the weather effecting your wedding day, please get in touch via our contact page with our team to discuss how we can help you put a plan together to capture awesome photos on your wedding day WHAT EVER THE WEATHER.

This wedding had the most AMAZING team of suppliers check them out below……

Awesome Devon Wedding Suppliers
Ginger Ray UK
The Wedding of my Dreams
Sasha Louise Pallari
Sassi Holford
Edible Essence
Anon Design
Simon Nickell Design
Charlotte Mills Shoes
Wild Sea Calligraphy
Stephanie Paints Things

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